Inclusive Leadership for Neurodiverse Design Teams: Cultivating a Supportive Environment

Corey Hobson
6 min readSep 26, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving design landscape, the term “diversity” has become a buzzword. However, while many organizations have made strides in promoting gender and racial diversity, there’s an incredibly important facet of diversity that remains largely overlooked: neurodiversity.

Inclusive leadership for neurodiverse design teams is not just about ticking a box; it’s about harnessing the extraordinary potential of individuals with neurological differences, such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more. As someone with both ADHD and dyslexia, I love nothing more than to ensure that my team members can thrive while being fully themselves.

Recognizing the Power of Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity refers to the spectrum of differences in neurological functioning that exist among people. This includes conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and others. These individuals often bring unique perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving skills to the table. Their unconventional ways of thinking can offer fresh insights and innovative solutions to challenges faced by design teams.

Neurodiversity encompasses a vast spectrum of neurological differences. Let’s explore a few commonly recognized conditions, understand their characteristics, and highlight their strengths:

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder):

Individuals with ADHD often experience challenges with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. They might find it difficult to focus on tasks, may be easily distracted, or act without thinking. But despite the media often focusing on the negatives, ADHD comes with some incredible strengths, such as:

  • Creativity and Innovation: Their unique way of thinking allows for quick problem-solving and coming up with innovative solutions.
  • Energetic and Dynamic: Their high energy levels can invigorate team projects.
  • Hyperfocus: When interested, they can exhibit intense concentration, diving deep into tasks and quickly executing them.


Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental disorder affecting social interaction, communication, and behavior. People with autism might have difficulty understanding social cues and may prefer routines. And even though many people think of Rainman, or Sheldon Cooper when thinking of autism. This stereotypical view is far from the truth. Autism is not a condition solely seen in young white boys but is visible in adults, women, and people of color. Autism, just like ADHD, comes with a few very useful strengths:

  • Attention to Detail: Autistics have an exceptional eye for detail and pattern recognition. A great skill to have when working as a UX researcher or designer.
  • Deep Focus: Similar to ADHD, these people have the ability to immerse deeply in subjects of interest and thus work hard on finishing their tasks.
  • Consistency and Reliability: A preference for routines can lead to consistent work habits.


Dyslexia is a learning disorder affecting reading, writing, and spelling. Individuals might struggle with recognizing words or understanding sentences. But just because these challenges exist, we often forget about their amazing strengths:

  • Big-Picture Thinking: Excel at seeing overarching patterns and systems. A great skill for
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Tendency to think outside the box.
  • Strong Oral Communication: Effective verbal communication skills developed as compensatory skills.

Now I just mentioned these three but there are way more neurodivergent conditions out there that are also important to consider. Recognizing and understanding these conditions and their associated strengths is crucial for creating an inclusive environment and harnessing the full potential of every team member.

Challenges Faced by Neurodiverse Individuals in the Workplace

While neurodiverse individuals bring a plethora of strengths to the table, they often encounter specific challenges in traditional workplace settings. Recognizing these challenges is the first step towards addressing them and creating a more inclusive environment:

  • Sensory Sensitivities: Many neurodiverse individuals, especially those with autism, may have heightened sensitivities to sensory stimuli. Bright lights, loud noises, or even certain textures can be overwhelming and distracting.
  • Communication Barriers: Conditions like autism can affect social communication. This might manifest as difficulty in understanding social cues, interpreting non-verbal signals, or navigating group dynamics.
  • Need for Routine: A sudden change in routine or unexpected disruptions can be particularly challenging for some neurodiverse individuals. They might thrive on predictability and consistency.
  • Task Management: Individuals with ADHD might find it challenging to manage multiple tasks simultaneously or prioritize them effectively due to their attention variability and experienced difficulties in task switching.
  • Information Processing: Neurodiverse individuals might require more time to process written information, which can be a challenge in fast-paced environments.
  • Social Interactions: Social situations, group meetings, or networking events can be daunting for some, especially if they struggle with social anxiety or understanding group dynamics. Big parties and mandatory social events can create anxiety and exclude neurodiverse individuals.

It’s important to understand that each neurodiverse individual is different from the next one. Just because you know a person with ADHD does not mean all people with ADHD experience the same challenges and strengths.

It’s essential to note that the challenges in the workplace can be mitigated with understanding, accommodations, and the right strategies. By recognizing these challenges and proactively addressing them, design leaders can ensure that neurodiverse team members not only contribute effectively but also feel valued and supported.

Steps to Cultivate an Inclusive Environment

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the culture of an organization. By promoting understanding and reducing the stigma associated with neurodiversity, leaders can pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse workplace. This not only benefits neurodiverse individuals but also enriches the organization as a whole. Below are 10 tips to create an inclusive work environment where neurodivergent people can thrive.

  1. Educate and Raise Awareness: The first step towards creating an inclusive environment is education. Team members should be made aware of what neurodiversity is and the benefits it brings. This can be done through workshops, seminars, or even informal discussions. Understanding leads to empathy and reduces misconceptions.
  2. Provide Necessary Accommodations: Simple accommodations like noise-canceling headphones or decompression spaces can make a world of difference for neurodiverse individuals. Leaders should be proactive in understanding and providing these accommodations. Working from home seems to have made a positive impact on neurodiverse individuals (Thank you, Covid) as it allows for a quiet workspace designed by the person themselves.
  3. Promote Open Communication: Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable discussing their needs, challenges, and accommodations without fear of judgment. This can help in identifying potential issues and addressing them proactively. This is not only useful for neurodiverse employees but also a great tip for the entire team. Open communication builds trust which results in better teamwork and improved quality of work.
  4. Implement Flexible Work Arrangements: Recognize that a traditional 9-to-5 might not be ideal for everyone. Allow for flexible hours, remote work, or other arrangements when possible. If this is impossible then consider creating quiet zones or rooms where team members can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.
  5. Value Differences: Every individual, neurodiverse or not, brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table. Leaders should recognize and value these differences, promoting a culture where everyone feels valued and included. Having regular chats about each individual's skills will promote collaboration and team-ups of skills and create understanding in the team,
  6. Continuous Training and Support: Inclusion is not a one-time effort. Some companies think that if they do 1 workshop or invite 1 speaker they've created an inclusive environment, but that's far from true. Continuous training and support are essential to ensure that the workplace remains inclusive and supportive.
  7. Seek Feedback: Regularly check in with neurodiverse team members to understand their challenges and gather feedback on potential improvements. You can even set up an inclusive environment team that works on promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace and having neurodivergent employees be a part of this.
  8. Promote Peer Support: Encourage the formation of support groups or buddy systems where neurodiverse individuals can share experiences and advice.
  9. Stay Updated: Neurodiversity understanding and best practices evolve. Stay updated with the latest research and recommendations to ensure your strategies are effective.
  10. Lead by Example: Demonstrate inclusive behavior in your actions and interactions. When leaders set the tone, it encourages the entire organization to follow suit.


In conclusion, neurodiversity is an untapped reservoir of talent and potential. By adopting inclusive leadership practices and creating a supportive environment, design teams can harness this potential and drive innovation and growth.

But remember, that each neurodivergent individual is different from the next one and it is important to foster an open mind to gain understanding of your team members so you can create an environment befitting your team.




Corey Hobson

UX design Lead @ Motorsport Games | I write about UX design, Game UX, UX strategy, and leadership with ADHD.